Tuesday, June 02, 2009


In her column for the WaPo, she describes Randall Terry as a fanatic who makes her "want to write checks to Planned Parenthood." During the Schiavo disgrace, Randall Terry was often a guest on FAUX News. Here are the stats from LexisNexis:

Friend of Terri Schiavo Calls Michael Schiavo a Liar
Fox News Network, March 31, 2005 Thursday, NEWS; Domestic, 1075 words, Sean Hannity, Alan Colmes

Jackson Outlines Efforts to Save Terry Schiavo
Fox News Network, March 30, 2005 Wednesday, NEWS; Domestic, 1261 words, Sean Hannity, Alan Colmes

Interview with Frank Pavone, Randall Terry
Fox News Network, March 30, 2005 Wednesday, NEWS; Domestic, 1768 words, Sean Hannity, Alan Colmes

Interview With Alexander Mauskop and Randall Terry
Fox News Network, March 30, 2005 Wednesday, NEWS; Domestic, 2086 words, John Gibson, Julie Banderas

Terri Schiavo's Family Hopes for State Action
Fox News Network, March 29, 2005 Tuesday, NEWS; Domestic, 1829 words, Sean Hannity, Alan Colmes

New Evidence on Schiavo's Condition Being Presented in Court
Fox News Network, March 24, 2005 Thursday, NEWS; Domestic, 1723 words, Sean Hannity, Alan Colmes

Interview with Randall Terry, Schindler's Family Spokesman
Fox News Network, March 23, 2005 Wednesday, NEWS; Domestic, 1478 words, Alan Colmes, Sean Hannity, Greta Van Susteren

What Can Americans Do for Terri Schiavo?
Fox News Network, March 18, 2005 Friday, NEWS; Domestic, 956 words, Sean Hannity, Pat Halpin

Interview With Randall Terry
Fox News Network, October 13, 2003 Monday, News; Domestic, 1123 words, Sean Hannity, Alan Colmes

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