Monday, June 01, 2009


I knew that but it's nice to have a mainstream publication point that out.
Conservatives Ask Republican Senators to Filibuster on Sotomayor
By Charles Savage
June 1, 2009, 3:52 pm
NYT The Caucus

Another signatory on the new letter is Mark Levin, the conservative talk show host. In January 2006, when some Democratic senators tried and failed to block a vote on the Supreme Court confirmation of Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr., Mr. Levin accused them of violating the Constitution.

“We have Senate liberals tonight saying that they want to filibuster Sam Alito in the name of defending what they claim are constitutional rights,” Mr. Levin said. “Yet the very act of a filibuster against a judicial nominee is in my view unconstitutional. This is how liberals talk. This is how they behave. They say one thing and they mean another. They speak out of one side of their mouth as well as the other.”

Mr. Levin also signed an April 24, 2005 letter to Republican leaders in the Senate urging them to eliminate the rule that allowed filibusters on judicial nominees. The group, calling itself the “Coalition to End Judicial Filibusters,” declared that “the Constitution mandates” a simple majority vote when the Senate is performing its role of “advice and consent” to the president’s choices.


Jack Bauer said...

thats it????

Steve J. said...

It's more than enough.