Saturday, June 13, 2009


The wingnuts often tell some news story that reflects positively on conservatives and then claim that "you'll never get this from the mainstream media." They seem to think there's a giant conspiracy to keep this sort of news from the general public. I've debunked this claim before and this post on Politico...
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Member Since: Jan. 13, 2008

Party: Independent

Last Visited: Jun. 13, 2009 - 11:57 AM EST

Jun. 13, 2009 - 11:28 AM EST

You'll never see this on any mainstream media outlet:

Pipeline, Not Pipe Dream: Credit Palin

provides another opportunity. Here's the reality, courtesy of LexisNexis:

Exxon, in Switch, Joins Plan to Build 1,700-Mile Natural Gas Pipeline From Alaska
The New York Times, June 12, 2009 Friday, Section B; Column 0; Business/Financial Desk; Pg. 7, 713 words, By JAD MOUAWAD

TransCanada, Exxon Mobil Join in Alaska Pipeline Plan
The Washington Post, June 12, 2009 Friday, A-SECTION; Pg. A07, 283 words

Exxon brought in on Alaskan pipeline project
Associated Press Financial Wire, June 11, 2009 Thursday 11:32 PM GMT, BUSINESS NEWS, 743 words, By DAN JOLING, Associated Press Writer

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