Sunday, July 05, 2009


Once again, I've had my posts deleted from a thread on a wingnut site. As I noted below, I wrote that I only had some sympathy for Palin but that was too much for the blog owner. The only evidence that I posted are the replies:

Howard Roark

SJ, you’re not answering my question: just what did anyone (even the swiftboaters) do to Gore and Kerry, specifically, that compares to the attacks on Sarah’s Down Syndrome child or any of the other attacks she, her daughters, and her family have withstood? Answer my question without asking a question if you know what you’re talking about.

I never heard Sarah claim that only Conservatives are real Americans. Where did you hear it, SJ? And if that upset you so much, how upset were you that Gore said that Conservatives were the “extra chromosome” crowd?

Steve, could you elaborate what reference you mean? I think she used “real Americans: in passing when she was referring to people in the crowd, who were from a small town. But I am pretty sure she didn’t go on to say that people who weren’t in small towns were not real Americans. She was trying to affirm small town people who felt disconnected from the election and ignored by McCain. Just to clarify.

Howard Roark

As Karl Rove put it, “she’s fair game.” Now do you understand?

What is it about “answer my question” that you struggle so much with, SJ? Put down the crack pipe and type out some specific answers to my simple question if you’re so sure of yourself.

[aren't squealing libs fun when you challenge them?]

Howard Roark

Just about all of them.

If that’s so, it will be REALLY easy for you to name one, SJ. Can you try that for us, oh brave one?


Just about all of them.

Can you even name one? Here I will and then you will and if you respond in reasonable time I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt that you didn’t just search the reuters archive.

The Swift Boat Veterans for Truth charged that John Kerry blatantly lied when he returned from his abbreviated 4 and a half month tour and wrote in his book ‘Tour of Duty’ of witnessing horrible atrocities committed by swift boat patrols, charges over hundreds of veterans who were there claim they never saw.

Howard Roark

She was addressing a campaign rally and spewing a popular meme among movement conservatives.

Your retort is beside the fact of your argument that Sarah said, specifically, conservatives as the only “real Americans.” Can you understand your flaw, here, SJ? Are you really that dense?

Besides your irrelevant argument above, do you have the courage to answer the question of “how upset were you that Gore said that Conservatives were the “extra chromosome” crowd”?

But in an interview with The Oregonian, French freely admitted he had no firsthand knowledge of the events surrounding Kerry’s medals and that his information came secondhand from “friends.”

How does that amount to a lie? Are you really that craven that you deem this flimsy bunch of nonsense as morally equivalent to saying that Sarah will run on the “More Retardation Platform” in 2012?

You’re trying hard, here, SJ, but you really are showing yourself to be nothing more than ‘hysteria in the diaper’. Maybe this kind of immature banter passes for intelligent reasoning on your sites, but the people here on S&L are much more considerate, fair, and cogent to entertain ridiculous claims such as yours.


SteveJ/ I’d also like to add that Palin in part brought this on herself by referring to conservatives as the only “real Americans.” Paybacks can be vicious. [NOTE: I ADDED THE ITALICS - STEVE J.]

So Steve?, by Payback to do you mean instead of an American, we got a muslim terrorist lover, a communist lover, a bitter American hater for the world, much like John Kerry is.
Her statement on conservatives is the truth by the laws and beliefs that America was formed to be run by.

Steve? , you were asked “So what claims from the swiftboat veterens were false again Steve J?”
And you didn’t name one. Anyone that throws fake medal over a fence, and then has to publically admit it was fake, and he still has the real one. Kerry was far outvoted as to what the truth was. Majority rules. And Al Gore using a fake scene from a fiction movie and trying to decieve the world that is was truth, is bizarre.

Sara Palin was a threat, and must still be a threat to the Democratic party, or they would not have had to stoop so low to find fault. Her hairstyle, and glasses and children.
The Huffington Post and Time are perfect examples of the continuation of superficial and superfluous fault with Sara Palin. I wouldn’t want to be in the shoes of those that make of an innocent child.
Oh. Let’s not forget Obama making fun of Speical Olympics, and laughing that he could dance better than John McCain, when John McCain, is handicapped and crippled and truly deserved his war medals, unlike John Kerry.

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