Thursday, July 09, 2009


The wingers have been criticizing Pres. Obama's use of the phrase "jobs created or saved" because they claim there is no way to track the number of jobs saved. Well, now we have some real evidence for his claim.
Stimulus spending short sighted - watchdog
Federal government is pushing out stimulus faster than expected. But states are using it to plug immediate gaps, rather than undertake long-term reforms.
By Tami Luhby, senior writer
Last Updated: July 8, 2009: 6:13 PM ET

NEW YORK ( -- Fiscally-stressed states are using their stimulus dollars to satisfy immediate needs rather than undertake longer-term reforms, according to a government report released Wednesday.

For example, states are spending education funds to prevent layoffs and maintain programs, a Government Accountability Office report found.

Near 2,000 teachers will retain their jobs in Florida's Miami-Dade district because of stimulus funds. Officials in half the states surveyed said recovery act money will prevent layoffs.

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