Wednesday, July 08, 2009


UPDATE: Here's the e-mail for Fox & Friends:

(h/t Steve Benen)

Brian Kilmeade, a FAUX News person, said something far worse than anything Don Imus has ever said publicly. This is wingnut racism of the highest and purest order:

Brian Kilmeade Would Like Species and 'Ethnics' to Remain Pure
By Richard Lawson, 1:23 PM on Wed Jul 8 2009, 15,368 views

To stave off dementia! Yes, today the befuddled screech owls on Fox & Friends were discussing a study that states that those that stay married fend off Alzheimer's and dementia better than lonely divorcees. Brian Kilmeade took issue with this.

He didn't trust the study because it was done in Finland and Sweden and the Finns and the Swedes stay "pure" by only marrying each other. Whereas in America, everyone marries everyone (so long as they're white and their partner is white. Oh, and straight!) So therefore the study doesn't mean anything.

Here's the transcript from Media Matters:

KILMEADE: I'm just amazed that they thought about doing this study in the -- by interviewing people in the 1970s and the 1980s.

BRIGGS: A little dated, you think?

KILMEADE: The average is 50, and they see that they keep it together. I find this -- I find this somewhat --

BRIGGS: Go ahead.

KILMEADE: Different. Leave it to the Finns and Swedes to some up with something. They literally --

CARLSON: Don't look at me, pal.

KILMEADE: Because that's a -- we are -- we're -- we're a -- we're -- we keep marrying other species and other ethnics and other --

CARLSON: Are you sure they're not suffering from some of the --

KILMEADE: I mean, the Swedes --

CARLSON: -- causes of dementia right now?

BRIGGS: What are you getting at?

KILMEADE: See, the problem is, the Swedes have pure genes.


KILMEADE: Because they marry other Swedes. Because that's the rule. Finland -- Finns marry other Finns, so they have a pure society. In America, we marry everybody.

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