Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Beck is coming out this week with his version of "a conspiracy so immense" and that's why I signed up for his e-mail newsletter. Today, he had Malkin on to both pimp her new book and discuss some of his darker visions. Here's a sample from the transcript:
GLENN:...When you see how much distance we have made here or how much distance has been put between us and the Constitution since Obama got into office, are you as concerned as you were for our country or more so? And if so, how much time do you think we have before you just are not turning this car around?

MALKIN: I think we're already at an inflection point, Glenn, and I think that it calls for fueling even more curiosity and scrutiny on these meadow organizations.

Despite the exchange above, Malkin isn't quite in BeckWorld:
GLENN:...The question that I have for you, Michelle, is how long before we, you and me and Rush and everybody else, are put into a situation to where we have to make a choice: Tell the truth or lose it all.

MALKIN: I don't know. I don't feel that I've even come close to a sense of intimidation.
This just gives you a sense for how extreme Beck is, not how sensible Malkin is.

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