Friday, July 10, 2009


Peggy Noonan writes an op-ed that's critical of Saint Sarah of Alaska and the wingers start whining about Peggy being an elitist:
* Vincent Holbrook wrote: your an elitist snob

* Richard Scruggs wrote: You're horrified by Palin? Sounds like xenophobia, compounded by a severe case of arrogant elitism.

* Robert Jones wrote: Ms. Noonan, as a card carrying member of the East Coast Elite formerly of the GOP,

* mark timm wrote: Oh Peggy, here in fly over country, we understand that the Elites contempt for Palin

* M T wrote: What these elitist women hate is that Sarah Palin is not like them.

* Rick Cannon wrote: Nothing more than a column of elitist tripe.

* Bruce Colella wrote: I am just amazed how this person thinks that her pompous, elitist diatribe holds water.

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