Monday, July 27, 2009


Billy Cunningham had Wayne Allen Root on and Wayne told another story about the Evul Libruls. Root went to Columbia College and in 1981 he was sitting in a poli sci class when someone ran in and said Pres. Reagan had been shot. Root said that class erupted into applause and cheers. This was juicy red meat for the wingers who generally think Reagan is a saint.

In the last hour, the extremist Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson called Pres. Obama evil and a racist. This is just what white racist groups love to hear, especially from a black man.

Cunningham alerted his listeners to a video World Nut Daily has of a speech Prof. Gates gave in 1996. Here's the direct link to the YouTube video. Cunningham expressed dismay that Gates would use the word "nigger," especially in a church.

In his intro, Hannity brought up this video (and another one from C-SPAN), and played the part where Gates praises affirmative action.

Hannity called Gates a radical and implicitly accused him of being a racist, just like Peterson did explicitly.

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