Monday, August 17, 2009


in her blog entry about the health care debate:
These are tough and challenging times and lots of people are scared about their jobs and the economy. But we can't let fear and frankly ignorance - drown out the serious debate that needs to take place - about an issue that affects the lives of millions of people.

And the extremists at FAUX Nation are very upset:
Semper Fi:
Hey Katie,,,,it's called education and a loathing for socialism. You need to get your facts straight.

Another elitist liberal with no clue what America is like outside of N.Y.C. Hey Couric, visit the REAL AMERICA someday.

We are getting to see how dumb these elitist news media creeps really are! I use to feel sorry for her because no one watched, now I know why. She is really dumb!

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