Thursday, August 13, 2009


(h/t Steve Benen)

She was one of the anti-health-care reform protesters outside at Pres. Obama's NH town hall and if she were at all rational, she should be pro-reform. Here's why:
Under Pressure, Obama Defends Health-Care Plan
In Town Meeting at New Hampshire School
AUGUST 12, 2009
Wall Street Journal

Diane Campbell of Kingston, N.H., held a sign with Mr. Obama's face superimposed on a Nazi storm trooper, a sign, she said, that was made by her chronically ill mother.

Her mother's hereditary autoimmune disease is treated with expensive transfusions of gamma globulin, paid for by Medicare. Her sister, Louise, was born with no arms and one leg, and is also covered by Medicare, the government-run, health-insurance program for the elderly and disabled.

"Adolf Hitler was for exterminating the weak, not just the Jews and stuff, and socialism -- that's what's going to happen."

These wingnut memes about health care have really spread and taken root. This reminds of all the lies about Sen. John Kerry's service by the Shifty Vets and how after a while, it became almost impossible to successfully refute them.

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