Sunday, August 23, 2009


The war whore wingers used to claim that Afghanistan was a terrific success and "millions freed!!!" was one of their favorite slogans. Today on Meet the Press, CJCS Admiral Mullen let's us know the truth:
ADM. MULLEN: Afghanistan is very vulnerable in terms of Taliban and extremists taking over again, and I don't think that threat's going to go away.

ADM. MULLEN: And that's very specific and that includes the Taliban, which has grown to be much more sophisticated in the last two to three years and is a much tougher enemy in that regard.

ADM. MULLEN: And it is in that focus that both understands what they feel about their security, which is pretty bad right now and getting worse...

MR. GREGORY: We're rebuilding this nation?
ADM. MULLEN: To a certain degree there is, there is some of that going on.

ADM. MULLEN: Well, I've said from a military perspective I believe we've got to start to turn this thing around from a security standpoint in the next 12 to 18 months. And I think after that we'd have a better view of how long it's going to take and what we need to do.

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