Friday, August 07, 2009


CNN recently reported that there's a age divide in support for Obama's health care reform: those under 50 support it, those over 50 don't. I've been listening to wingnut radio and is does seem that some seniors are buying into this agit-prop. Tonight, for example, on Levin's show (guest host Mark Simone), an 80 year old man called in and took this hysteria to a new level. He said that if the government is allowed to run health care, then the government could easily kill off its political enemies. Simone didn't entirely buy that but he did repeat the lie that the bill would set up a board to ration care. Another caller told Simone he was wrong but Simone wasn't having anything to do with that.

On the other hand, Matt Yglesias does point out that in the general election, there was already an age divide: people over 65 favored McCain, 53% to 45%. The next lower bracket, 45-64, was just about an even split, McCain got 49% and Obama 50%.

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