Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Tom Schaller at 538 also came across Prophets of Deceit from an article in Inside Higher Ed by Scott McLemee and maybe we can begin to deconstruct our modern gasbags by comparing them to the krazies of the past.

I found another passage in PoD that reminds of someone:
My informant tells me that the bloodless revolution is being brought about through a planned policy of destructionism—a destructionism which pretends to alleviate suffering, poverty, unemployment and hunger . . . a destructionism which eventually aims at bankrupting the nation and thereby bringing about repudiation of debts and the overthrow of government. (page 26)

That someone would be Fats Limbaugh:
On February 12, Limbaugh "thank[ed]" Obama for "doing the job that everybody expects of you, taking every tradition and institution that defined this country's greatness and trying to rip it to shreds."

On March 26, while criticizing Obama's response to a question about "when can we expect the jobs that have been outsourced to other countries come back," Limbaugh stated that Obama "is a gutless wonder; he is seeking as much chaos and depression among average Americans as he can get."

On April 1, Limbaugh claimed that if Obama "causes chaos and unemployment in a Republican state, that helps him. President Obama is about chaos. He's about misery. He is about people being unsatisfied and frightened of the future so that they will turn to him for the solution, not Governor [Rick] Perry [R-TX] or [Gov. Sarah] Palin [R-AK] or [Gov. Mark] Sanford [R-SC]."

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