Wednesday, August 12, 2009


John H. Richardson had two VERY interesting articles (here and here) that help describe the krazies on the Right. Some parts are just entertaining, like this bit about Krazy Lady Taitz:
Then she headed to the FBI to do it a third time. And the whole time, she never stopped talking:

There's a cemetery somewhere in Arizona where they just dug 30,000 fresh graves, which wait now for the revolution.

Baxter International — a major Obama contributor — developed a vaccine for bird flu that actually kills people.

Google an article in the San Francisco Chronicle about train cars with shackles.

Other parts aren't entertaining:
Another man stopped to look over the flyer. "What are you demanding?"

"We're just looking for his birth certificate."

"Or his death certificate," said a third man.

"The media's not going to report it."

"That's why you got to listen to Rush Limbaugh."

Swensson chuckled. "If you cut off the head of the snake, the rest of the serpent is pretty much gon' die."

Another man stopped to talk up the tea parties. "You know what the Patriot said: Trust in God and keep the powder dry."

"I'm getting a lot of that," Swensson said.

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