Saturday, August 22, 2009


I'm trying to note all the BS from Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck and others that people repeat at town halls. I've gotten 8 other examples and here's the 9th:
A Blue Dog's lament: "People are scared"
By JONATHAN MARTIN | 8/22/09 7:17 AM EDT

“They want to take over our life,” insisted Elaine Thompson just minutes before she shoved a stack of signed pink slips and a copy of the Constitution in Boyd’s hands.

Wearing a shirt that read “Concerned American Patriots” on the front and “Wake Up America” on the back, Thompson, of Marianna, said the White House was being run using “Chicago terrorism.”

“Saul Salinsky is their mentor,” she replied when asked to explain what she meant, misstating the name of leftist community organizer Saul Alinsky, who is often cited by talk radio host Rush Limbaugh. “They are controlling what’s happening in this country.”

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