Monday, August 17, 2009


In addition to the plausible hypothesis that she's just a nut, there's also the chance that her attempts to oust Pres. Obama may be driven by her devotion to Israel. From Haaratz:
Last update - 00:18 01/01/2009
Orly Taitz: Obama policies are 'clear and present danger to Israel
By Benjamin L. Hartman, Haaretz Correspondent, and The Associated Press

U.S. President Barack Obama's domestic and foreign policies pose "a clear and present danger to Israel," says the driving force behind the campaign to prove Obama was not born in the United States and therefore ineligible to serve as president.

She believes Obama poses a threat to Israel not only because of his support of radical Islamic groups such as Hamas, but also because of his "radical socialist" policies, that will bring the United States to "totalitarianism and Stalinism." According to Taitz, these policies "pose a threat to all democracies, not only Israel."

Taitz, who argues that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is building internment camps for "anti-Obama dissidents," said that on the road in the United States "people have shown me they want to have guns so they aren't rounded up into FEMA camps," a scenario which she says the Obama administration is planning.

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