Wednesday, September 23, 2009


It seems clear that the teabaggers have a surplus of views in addition to a surplus of ignorance and I've been wondering if they can be held together as an effective voting coalition, something like Rove did with fiscal, national security and social conservatives in 2004. Nate Smith points out that (so far), Beck doesn't appeal to the Fundies and although I've heard him refer to God and prayer several times, I don't think he's hit the hot button issues like gay marriage and abortion, so unless he changes, he won't have the Fundies.

I think some of his support comes from old line, isolationist conservatives (like Pat Buchanan) and libertarians (like Ron Paul) and that would mean he wouldn't get much support from the neo-conservatives.

1 comment:

Ken Hoop said...

Has Beck called for troops out of both Iraq and Afghan? Doubt it.

Greenwald or someone pointed out Beck has changed positions on several key issues in the past year or so, an indication he is
unreliable, particularly if he has made no acknowledgement and credible explaination why.