Thursday, September 24, 2009


That isn't surprising to those who regularly listen to his radio show or watch his TV show because to my knowledge, he's never given Pres. Obama any praise. Yesterday, he was so disgusted with Pres. Obama's UN speech that he said "Barack Obama is an embarrassment to this country." Let's recall that he vehemently denounced one of the Dixie Chicks for making a similar statement about George W. Bush:
HANNITY: But you know something? This is what's so -- and maybe you don't see it this way, maybe you do. This is what's so insulting about this. The only reason they're on a European tour is because the people in this country supported them. Their president is on the brink of war sending their troops in harm's way and they are off in a crowd that's somewhat sympathetic to an anti-American sentiment.1

Even more puzzling was his objection to this part of the speech:
There are basic principles that are universal; there are certain truths which are self-evident -- and the United States of America will never waver in our efforts to stand up for the right of people everywhere to determine their own destiny.
My guess is that Hannity thinks self-determination isn't as valuable a goal as democracy.

1Fox News Network
April 24, 2003 Thursday
Dixie Chicks Pose Nude in Answer to Critics
GUESTS: Jenny Eliscu
BYLINE: Alan Colmes, Sean Hannity
SECTION: News; International
LENGTH: 1281 words

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