Tuesday, September 15, 2009


John Amato has a very informative clip of CNN's Jim Spellman discussing what he saw on the road with the Tea Party Express and what he's seeing in DC. Here's some of the text that John didn't post1:
SPELLMAN: You know, a little bit, more with sort of talking points. But what you hear from the stage is a lot different than what you hear in the crowd. On the stage they are talking about small government and health care and such, cap and trade (ph), things like that, but in the crowd what you are really hear is - is really a different message, when you get out and talk to the people. You know, it's a much sort of darker thing where they really, really feel that - that the country is going in the wrong way, in a really serious...

LEMON: Explain to me, what do you mean by a much more darker thing? Talk to me about that.

SPELLMAN: Well, I mean, one of the things that we heard over and over again is that - is that it's sort of the - the death panels thing, taken to several degrees past that where the president is going to set up these - these death camps where they're going to do forced sterilization, and - and that the government is taking over the internet to stifle, you know, speech and that there's going to be forced vaccinations.

These are not things that after 30-some Tea Parties, this is not one or two people. This is people that we heard over and over and over and over again - You know, really, there's just so much sort of disinformation or misinformation out there that it really creates a - a significant part. You didn't see as much of it here today in Washington, but in these towns across America that we went, it - it really is out there, Don, and it's - it's - it's - you know, it gave me pause more than once, going across the country with the Tea Party Express.

That's exactly the kind of agit-prop that right-wing radio spews almost every day, so it's no wonder so many have been fooled.

September 12, 2009 Saturday
Fed Up with Washington; Pushing for Reform; Rallying for Reform; ACORN Workers Fired Over Tape; Missing Without a Trace
BYLINE: Don Lemon, Kate Bolduan, Jim Spellman, Elaine Quijano, Abbie Boudreau, Randi Kaye
GUESTS: Al Gerhart

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