Saturday, October 03, 2009


(h/t Andrew Sullivan)

Fouad al-Rabiah was captured in Afghanistan and was eventually transferred to Guantanamo. He FINALLY has been released but only after years of imprisonment. This is from the redacted Classified Memorandum Opinion, page 28:
Al Rabiah arrived at Guantanamo Bay in _ 8/28/09 Merits Hrg. Tr. at 36. From that date until b(2) there is no evidence in the record that anyone directed any allegations toward Al Rabiah nor any indication that interrogators believed Al Rabiah had engaged in any conduct that made him lawfully detainable. To the contrary, the evidence in the record during this period consists mainly of an assessment made by an intelligence analyst that Al Rabiah should not have been detained.

There are many other examples of literally incredible evidence being used by the government against Al Rabiah and you can read Andy Worthington's write up if you don't want to read the memorandum. If it weren't for the fact that this man was unjustly deprived of his liberty for years, it would be called a comedy of errors.

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