Thursday, October 29, 2009


(h/t Media Matters)

Yesterday1, Glenn Beck got away from "6 degrees of Kevin Bacon" and went with 100% paranoia. He suggested that Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and the Dept of the Interior were going to take title to almost all the land in America to back a new currency after the dollar collapses.
BECK: ... Well, after their currency had become so worthless that they had printed $2 trillion mark bank notes, their economy collapsed. They dumped the mark. The got rid of it. They just printed it up, paid off their debts, and then they switched to the Rentenmark.

Now, what did they back it up with? Not enough gold. Look, your answer is right here. The answer is right here. They can back it with real estate, land. That's what they did in Germany.

And there's certainly enough land and resources in America that we could back our currency with. I mean, the government -- the government though, would have to own all of the land -- oh, my gosh, I just thought of something, between Fannie and Freddie, the government already owns half of all of some of the U.S. mortgages and they're about to buy more. And if you couple that with federal land and the grab for parks that they're doing now and did you hear "The polar bears are too crowded and endangered" so they just gave, what was it, 200 square miles there -- that's great.

Oh, and all the oil that we currently not drilling for and coal that we're not mining. Gosh, if you took all of that, I bet you could base a new currency off of that. Oh, and I bet China could come and help, because you probably wouldn't be happy with a system like that taking all the land because that's one of our real rights that we had in our Constitution.

Look, America, I'm hoping that I'm wrong about this. But I can't figure out anything else.

1Fox News Network
October 28, 2009 Wednesday
BECK for October 28, 2009
BYLINE: Glenn Beck
GUESTS: Michael Reitz, Arthur Brooks, Rick Gornto
LENGTH: 6849 words

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