Sunday, October 04, 2009


Last week on his radio show, I heard him say that "capitalism is survival of the fittest," a quaint 19th century notion that originated with Herbert Spencer. Searching on his site, one finds that he's said something similar before. Here's an excerpt from 2/16/2009:
GLENN: They are the people that fight for evolution and survival of the fittest, but they fight it every step of the way. They won't allow it to collapse and rebuild. And you know what it is? Capitalism done right, freedom done right is like a forest fire, and the people who are the environmentalists, they try to save the forest by not allowing controlled burns or the forest to burn. So it never renews.

We know that life in unfettered capitalism would end up being as Hobbes described it:
“In the state of nature profit is the measure of right.”

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