Friday, October 02, 2009


That's the attitude David Brooks wants us to take toward the radio gasbags and FAUX News and the retort by some of these maggots tries to marginalize Brooks:
Limbaugh brushed off the Times columnist’s criticism by asking ‘how many Americans know who David Brooks is?’ — a view supported by another popular conservative radio host.

Mark Levin, author of the best-selling ‘Liberty & Tyranny,’ asked two questions in an e-mail to POLTICO: ‘David Brooks? Does he run Brooks Brothers?’”

Robert Stacy McCain, a rising star in the winger blogosphere, unwittingly points out the flaw in these arguments:
If the GOP moves leftward -- which is what the phrase "center-right" means -- it will implode or become irrelevant as an electoral force, because a majority of Americans still want what Phyllis Schlafly described so eloquently in 1964: A Choice, Not an Echo.

Let's recall that LBJ swamped Goldwater.

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