Wednesday, October 28, 2009


You may recall that we paid the Northern Alliance to help us overthrow the Taliban and that it worked out pretty well. Eight years later, we're coming back to an idea that worked.
U.S. defense bill would pay Taliban to switch sides
Tue Oct 27, 2009 4:57pm EDT
By Susan Cornwell

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The defense bill President Barack Obama will sign into law on Wednesday contains a new provision that would pay Taliban fighters who renounce the insurgency, Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Carl Levin said on Tuesday.

The provision establishes a program in Afghanistan similar to one used in Iraq where former fighters were re-integrated into Iraqi society, Levin told Reuters.

The wingers don't seem to like this very much. From the Yahoo Buzz thread:
Obama is a Muslim! This we all knew to start with! He is not paying them to switch sides? Hes paying them to break America! This was his agenda the whole time!

Obama is a traitor to the USA and needs to be put to death as one!

Impeach and hang or shoot Obama as a traitor now!

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