Friday, October 09, 2009


that Pres. Obama "appeased" Russia by not deploying Star Wars to the Czech Republic and Poland. The truth is that he took the pragmatic, realistic approach to the problem.
Missile Defense's Shelving Reflected Military's Concerns
Cost, Speed of Response Were Issues
By R. Jeffrey Smith
Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, September 21, 2009

... the generals again threw their weight behind a relative contraction of the effort to defend against long-range missile attacks. They cited needed budgetary savings and more immediate threats in demanding faster work to protect overseas forces and bases against shorter-range attack.

The latest shift shelved a plan to deploy in Europe an advanced radar and interceptors of long-range missiles by 2017.

So did his deployment of long-range missile interceptors in a system that the Pentagon's testing office said did not offer "a high degree of confidence in its limited capabilities."

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