Wednesday, October 28, 2009


This morning on Don Imus' show, Laura Ingraham spoke a little about foreign policy and said she agreed with what Brit Hume said on Monday1: Under Pres. Obama, America is no longer feared and that's a bad thing. This is what Hume said to O'Reilly:
O'REILLY: Thanks for staying with us. I'm Bill O'Reilly.

In the "Hume Zone" segment tonight, "The Factor" relies on for accurate intelligence information. You can access Stratfor on It's an excellent Web site.

Stratfor says that many of America's enemies, like the mullahs in Iran, Putin in Russia, believe that President Obama is a weak leader. Joining us now from Washington is FOX senior political analyst Brit Hume.

Any validity to that opinion, Brit?

BRIT HUME, FOX NEWS ANCHOR/POLITICAL ANALYST: Well, if that's not true, it's hard to think why it isn't. Because the president has clearly made it -- toured parts of the world in which he did a lot of apologizing for the United States.

He made a decision, I think quite defensible on military grounds, with regard to the establishment of missile defense elements in Poland that he had been agreed to, that the Poles and the Czech Republic was also expecting that they would house those things. They wanted them.

Then he pulled away from it at the same time that Vladimir Putin, whom you see there, and -- and the Russian government were complaining bitterly that it was a terrible idea. He might have done it for the right reasons, but it gave all the appearances of being -- reacting to Russian pressure.

And you know, if you're one of the hard men sitting in Iran, looking at this president and wondering what he's going to do, you've got to look at things like that and think, "Hmm, I think we can face this guy down." That's what I fear may be happening.

1Fox News Network
October 26, 2009 Monday
Is Obama Feared by our Enemies?
BYLINE: Bill O'Reilly, Brit Hume
LENGTH: 1150 words

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