Sunday, November 15, 2009


(h/t Atrios)

David Brooks, along with David Frum, has been attacked by Mark Levin because he isn't ideologically pure. Today, Brooks got in a great body blow to not only Levin and the other radio gasbags, he also smacked Caribou Barbie. From Ben Frumin at TPM LiveWire:
She's a joke. I mean, I just can't take her seriously. We've got serious problems in the country. Barack Obama's trying to handle war. We've just a had guy elected Virginia governor who's probably the model for the future of the Republican Party, Bob McDonnell, pretty serious guy, pragmatic, calm, kind of boring. The idea that this potential talk show host is considered seriously for the Republican nomination -- believe me, it'll never happen. Republican primary voters are just not going to elect a talk show host.


Unknown said...

that was a punch??? more like a love tap.

Red Alexandria said...
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Red Alexandria said...

David Brooks is a looney tune like David Frum. Frum should go back to Canada.

Mark Levin has challenged the lonney tune to a debate but Brooks is too scared to take him up on it.

Anonymous said...

Wow, These idiot phony types are so scared of Palin! It would be a sissy boy like Brooks to be scared of an atractive, accomplished woman.
HE IS small!