Thursday, November 19, 2009


This is really just schadenfreude on my part but I can't help it because the more divided the wingers are, the better off America is. First, the would-be Raygun successor Lazy Freddie Thompson declares that the Afghanistan War is LOST and causes great dismay at NRO, Red State and Hot Air. Second, racist & elitist Charles Murray declares that Glenn Beck can't be trusted:
But Beck uses tactics that include tiny snippets of film as proof of a person’s worldview, guilt by association, insinuation, and occasionally outright goofs like the fake quote. To put it another way, I as a viewer have no way to judge whether Beck is right. I have to trust that the snippets are not taken out of context, that the dubious association between A and B actually has evidence to support it, and that his numbers are accurate. It is impossible to have that trust.

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