Wednesday, November 04, 2009


except when they can fool the rubes by praising the election of a "conservative" European politician, as was the case with Chancellor Angela Merkel. I don't imagine they are too keen on her now.
Tear down mental walls on climate, German chancellor says
By William Douglas | McClatchy Newspapers
Posted on Tuesday, November 3, 2009

WASHINGTON — German Chancellor Angela Merkel made an impassioned plea Tuesday to a joint session of Congress to work together on efforts to curb global warming and to help forge a binding climate-change deal at an international meeting next month.

"We need an agreement on one objective: Global warming must not exceed 2 degrees Celsius," Merkel said, or 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit. "To achieve this, we need the readiness of all countries to accept internationally binding obligations. We cannot afford missing the objectives in climate protection that science tells us have to be met."

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