Thursday, December 03, 2009


Bob Somberby has done a great job showing how Al Gore was essentially libelled by our national press when he was running to be President and that has a sad history. Our vaunted mainstream media also sucked in the early 70s, as this example from NIXONLAND, pp. 651-52, shows:
They were ready now to fight back - for instance, by wielding not-for-attribution quotes like daggers in Evans and Novak columns.

One "liberal senator, whose voting record differs little from McGovern's," they wrote, "feels McGovern's surging popularity depends on public ignorance of his acknowledged public positions. 'The people don't know McGovern is for amnesty, abortion, and legalization of pot,' he told us. 'Once Middle America— Catholic Middle America, in particular— finds this out, he's dead.'"

The phraseology was repeated almost identically by Scotty Reston three days later: "George McGovern has run an intelligent and determined campaign and has now got to the top of the greasy pole, but with a heavy load of promises: to slash the defense budget steeply, legalize pot and abortion, and grant amnesty to the Vietnam expatriates. Selling this to George Meany and the labor organization, which is about the only effective political organization the Democrats have, will not be easy, and it will not be very popular with many other Democratic candidates who think pot, abortion, and amnesty are explosively dangerous issues."

These charges are half-truths at best yet they found their way into 2 of our leading newspapers. At that time, Evans and Novak wrote for the Washington Post and Reston wrote for the NY Times.

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