Thursday, December 10, 2009


(h/t Heather at Crooks & Liars)

Jessica Yellin has an impressive background but still flubs a basic economic number:
YELLIN: Well, the white house plan is just the latest controversy over T.A.R.P. the Congressional oversight committee is about to release a December report, a detailed review of T.A.R.P. to date. Elizabeth Warren is the chair of the T.A.R.P. Congressional oversight committee and joins me now from Washington.

Elizabeth, so good to see you again. The bailout, we know, was unpopular, as the president acknowledged today. But I remember a year ago, the prognosticators were warning of economic calamity. People certainly are hurting today, more than 60 million unemployed. But a second great Congressional didn't happen. So could we argue that the bailout actually worked?

This is the sort of claim I would expect from a right-wing radio gasbag. FYI, the Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that the number of unemployed is 15.4 million.

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