Wednesday, December 09, 2009


(h/t Atrios)

I don't have anyone in mind to replace him but let's a least look for someone who knows what the job specification is:
If Bernanke Did Not Know the Fed's Mission, Would That Be News?

Not at the WSJ, nor it seems anywhere else. Yesterday, Federal Reserve Board Chairman Ben Bernanke referred to the "our dual mandate, which is growth and inflation." In fact, the dual mandate is full employment (defined as 4.0 percent unemployment) and price stability. Presumably Bernanke had unemployment in mind when he said "growth," but it striking that he would not use the right term. The two are of course not synonymous.

Thanks to Nicole Woo.

--Dean Baker

For a long time, the Fed has treated a few thousand bond traders as if they represent almost all Americans.

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