Tuesday, December 01, 2009


The British inquiry into how the Iraq War came about hasn't made much news here despite some explosive findings like this one:

Blair 'knew Saddam did not have WMD before war started'

...Gordon Brown of trying to “suffocate” the inquiry by giving Whitehall a veto on what could be in Sir John Chilcot’s report. Mr Clegg said a protocol to Sir John governing publication included nine reasons why information could...

David Brown; Francis Elliott

26 November 2009 The Times

I used LexisNexis to search for "Chilcot" in television transcripts and this is all there was:
President Obama Commits to Finishing the job in Afghanistan; State Dinner: Affair to Remember in the White House; Behind the Scenes at the World's Busiest Airport
CNN, November 25, 2009 Wednesday, NEWS; Domestic, 7690 words, John Roberts, Christine Romans, Elaine Quijano, Jill Dougherty, Rob Marciano, Stephanie Elam, Jim Acosta, Paula Newton, Gary Tuchman, Jeanne Meserve

NewsHour For November 25, 2009
The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer, November 25, 2009 Wednesday, NEWS; International, 9199 words, Paul Davies, Kwame Holman, Paul Solman, Margaret Warner, Judy Woodruff, Ray Suarez, Jeffrey Brown, Jim Lehrer

Paying For Afghanistan; Britain Begins Iraq War Probe
CNN, November 24, 2009 Tuesday, NEWS; International, 6743 words, Atika Shubert, Rick Sanchez, Rafael Romo, Brooke Anderson

Public Hearings In Britain Begin Today, And Set Out To Answer Why Britain Entered The Iraq War, And How Could Intelligence On WMD Have Been So Wrong?
CNN International, November 24, 2009 Tuesday, NEWS; International, 4033 words, Stan Grant, Paula Newton

NewsHour For November 24, 2009
The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer, November 24, 2009 Tuesday, NEWS; International, 8784 words, Paul Davies, Jeffrey Brown, Lowell Bergman, Margaret Warner, Judy Woodruff, Ray Suarez, Jim Lehrer

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