Thursday, December 03, 2009


(pic from NPR blog The two-way)

Chris Matthews, a one-man Team Stupid, said this about Pres. Obama's visit to West Point:

MATTHEWS: I think it`s true of most wars. They start with a lot of excitement. I always remember the scene in "Gone With the Wind," where all the rebels are excited about going to war with the north, a country they can`t beat because of it`s industrial advantage and population advantage. They were going to lose that war eventually.

It seems like, in this case, there`s not a lot of excitement. I watched those cadets. They were young kids, men and women, who are committed to serving their country professionally, it must be said, as officers. I didn`t see much excitement. but among the older people there, I saw, if not resentment, skepticism. I didn`t see a lot of warmth in that crowd out there that the president chose to address tonight. I thought that was interesting. He went to maybe the enemy camp tonight to make his case. That`s where Paul Wolfowitz used to write speeches for, back in the old Bush days. That`s where he went to rabble-rouse the we`re going to democratize the world campaign back in `02. So, I thought it was a strange venue.

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