Thursday, December 10, 2009


If you buy into the logic of Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh and Mark Levin, approximately 2/3rds of Americans are commies. :-)
Americans Want Government to Spend for Jobs, Send Bill to Rich
By Mike Dorning and Catherine Dodge

Dec. 10 (Bloomberg) -- Americans want their government to create jobs through spending on public works, investments in alternative energy or skills training for the jobless.

They also want the deficit to come down. And most are ready to hand the bill to the wealthy.

A Bloomberg National Poll conducted Dec. 3-7 shows two- thirds of Americans favor taxing the rich to reduce the deficit.

Here's the poll question:

I’m going to mention some things the government could do to cut the budget deficit. For each, please tell me if you think this should or should not be a main part of any government approach tothe deficit—just answer yes or no. (Read list. Rotate. Multiple responses accepted, so total may exceed 100%.) Sorted.

66 Raise income taxes on the wealthy—individuals making $500,000 or more and households making $1 million or more

57 Cut discretionary federal programs and services by 5% across the board

26 Raise taxes on the middle-class as well as the wealthy

23 Cut the growth of spending on entitlement programs such as Social
Security benefits

20 Create a new federal consumption tax, which would be like a federal sales tax that would be on top of any state and local sales tax.

5 None of these/not sure (VOL)

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