Thursday, December 17, 2009


I've listened to a few clips of him speaking and he really seems to think he's the top dog in Maricopa County, unanswerable to anyone. I came across a hint that as part of his campaign to attack his political opponents, the county attorney was going to bring in two wingnut lawyers:
Prosecutors hired in Stapley case
Celebrity D.C. attorneys to look into allegations of fraud, theft
by Michael Kiefer - Oct. 6, 2009 11:04 AM
The Arizona Republic

Two celebrity Washington, D.C., attorneys who make frequent TV-news appearances as legal commentators will take over the investigation into allegations of fraud and theft against County Supervisor Don Stapley.

Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas appointed the husband-and-wife law team of Joseph diGenova and Victoria Toensing to conduct an independent investigation. He also gave them the authority to use the Maricopa County grand jury for a potential indictment.

Arpaio also buys into the War on Christman BS (via Amanda Terkel at Think Progress):
According to ABC News, Arpaio said that “for agnostics,” he would “mix in the singing Chipmunks” — who also presumably sing Christmas carols. “We can’t say ‘Merry Christmas’ in the U.S., in the world anymore,” said Arpaio, fulling joining in the War on Christmas. “What are we coming to? I am saying it. I am singing it. It’s gonna be in this jail, and that’s the way the ball bounces.”

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