Thursday, December 17, 2009


These are some of my gripes.

I voted for John Edwards in my state's Democratic primary only to find out much later he was covering up an affair which would've doomed his (and our) chances if he had won the nomination. Pres. Obama has decided to "turn the page" on torture and illegal spying, almost insuring that these crimes will be committed again. Ben Bernanke has done a reasonably good job of dealing with the Great Recession but he's really part of the Wall Street culture that led to the collapse, so he should not be given another term. Health care reform may be so flawed that it isn't worth passing, thus wasting the best chance for improving our system in about 60 years.

This isn't the change I was hoping for.

1 comment:

Ken Hoop said...

I wonder if Ralph Nader has ever expressed public regret at having backed Edwards, which he did at one point after fizzling out. Kucinich otoh went with Obama at about the same time juncture. I found the divergence at the time
interesting; I believe Dennis had had some problems with the Edwards camp.