Tuesday, December 08, 2009


The way FAUX News and the conservative radio gasbags have attacked climate change research, it's not surprising that some of the more "enthusiastic" followers have gotten nasty.
Hacked email climate scientists receive death threats

CRU scientists receive torrents of abusive and threatening e-mails since leaks that began in mid-November 2009.

Kate Ravilious
guardian.co.uk, Tuesday 8 December 2009 09.28 GMT

Two of the scientists involved in "Climategate" – the e-mail hacking incident at the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia, UK – have been emailed death threats since the contents of their private e-mails were leaked to the world. No further information can be revealed about these particular threats at present because they are currently under investigation with the FBI in the United States.

Many other CRU scientists and their colleagues have received torrents of abusive and threatening e-mails since the leaks first began in mid-November 2009. Tom Wigley, previous Director of CRU and now at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), Boulder, US, has been horrified by the e-mails he and other colleagues have received. "They are truly stomach-turning and show what sort of venomous monsters we are up against," he told environmentalresearchweb.

Wigley also rebuts the wingnut claim that the original data has been destroyed:
In particular Wigley vigorously denies that any data was ever destroyed. "We did not destroy any primary records," he said. "All these data came from National Meteorological Services, and the originals are still there for anyone to access. Indeed other groups such as GISS and NOAA have independently accessed these data and independently reproduced our results."


Anonymous said...


I've just come across your blog for the first time.

You're bound to be one of my favorites! Keep up the good work.

Scott M.

Steve J. said...

Thanx Scott!
