Tuesday, December 08, 2009


I'm obviously talking about American conservatives and perhaps conservatives in general. Jonah 'Doughboy" Goldberg got a $1 million advance to write another half-assed book attacking liberals and still doesn't know how fax machines work. Worse, Rep. Steve King (R-rubes) claims to have learned a lot from his recent trip to Afghanistan but somehow still doesn't know the 1st name of Pres. Karzai.


Ken Hoop said...

That surge really worked in Iraq.
More evidence today. Meanwhile check market-ticker.org today for Denninger's correct take on praise of 5 Dems who support Glass-Stegall. Would like your comment.
Obama of course sides with the bankers against the Dems.

Steve J. said...


We need 1) to get rid of Bernanke and replace him with someone who thinks reducing unemployment is as serious as preventing inflation.

2) a serious culture change on Wall Street in addition to much more stringent regulations. I have a little hope that some of the many civil suits will help change the culture.

Steve J. said...


I read Denninger's take and I completely agree with him. We need to stop the banksters from socially useless activities like credit-default swaps on almost anything.

Steve J. said...

PS- I added Market-Ticker to my blog roll. Thanx for the link!

Ken Hoop said...

KD seems to me to be the most broadly authoritative "hard-core"
punish-the banksters/financiers,etc. blogger in his niche.. You might know of others.

Too hawkish on his (thankfully infrequent) foreign policy comments. though.

As are the Richmans, whose Trade and Taxes blogspot I like on strictly trade matters.