Tuesday, January 19, 2010


I've noted before the similarity in reasoning between Coast and wingnut radio and this interview with George Noory in the Atlantic Monthly provides a little more evidence:
“I believe that there are groups on this planet far above governments—who control governments. I think that there are players on this planet who are so wealthy, and so powerful, that the game for them is control and manipulation. And they make presidents, and they make kings and queens, and they make leaders of nations. Who are they specifically? I’m not going to give the names—I never do on the air. But we all suspect who they may be. And those are the ones that you have to be careful of.”

“This push for more of a world government that so many people laughed at five or six years ago, including me—we aren’t laughing anymore,” he told me. “Because you begin to see the pieces of a puzzle, and when you put them together you begin to see a picture you really don’t like. This incredible need to control and manipulate—I think our program cuts to the heart of that.”

Rush Limbaugh uses the same paranoid concept of control when discussing political issues, such as climate change:
Limbaugh: Climate change meeting seeks "worldwide government that has control over every aspect of every person's life"
September 22, 2009 1:46 pm ET

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