Sunday, January 10, 2010


For the last couple of years, I've been wondering why the wingers haven't simply burnt out on their anger and Barbara at Mahablog provided a couple of clues. I think the first reason is their personality structure. As Prof. Altemeyer pointed out, conservatives have personalities that are not only more rigid, they are more fragile and can't readily handle disagreement. Barbara makes this relevant point:
The author points out that opinions become part of our self-identity. Thus, a disagreement can be perceived as an existential threat. Thus, the opinion must be defended at all costs, and if we run out of reasonable arguments we must counter-attack and destroy the source of the threat — the person who disagrees.

Second, self-righteous anger is empowering,"it’s one of the all-time great ego reinforcements," so when wingers get threatened, they get angry and that anger reinforces their selves.

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