Tuesday, January 19, 2010


I can't believe that asking a politician who his favorite Founding Father is a "gotcha" question but that is Beck's defense of Palin's lame ass answer to that question. Transcript from LexisNexis and Media Matters has the video.
O'REILLY: All right. Now, you did ask her one question where I think she said that -- I think Sarah Palin fell down on this, OK? Roll the tape.


BECK: Who's your favorite founder?

PALIN: Well, all of them, because they came collectively together with so much diverse...

BECK: Bull crap.

PALIN: So much diversity in terms of opinion and so much diversity in terms of belief, but collectively they came together to form this union.


PALIN: No. And they were led by, of course, George Washington, so he's got to rise to the top.


O'REILLY: So she's so nonspecific. You ask her what founding fathers and she goes, "I like them all." I don't think that's good.

BECK: No, she went -- right, I agree with you. But she went on to say George Washington, which I think she kind of in a way understands Washington, because I think she is kind of a reluctant servant. I don't think she -- I think she walked into this...

O'REILLY: Could it be that she couldn't think of any founding fathers?

BECK: Oh, it could be. I don't think it was.

O'REILLY: Because that's the criticism of her. And that's what I...

BECK: No. Here's the thing with Sarah Palin.

You have to understand. One, she has shields up like you couldn't believe. And until you get those shields down on her I don't think you're really going to see Sarah Palin be able to answer enough questions about her.
The second thing is I decided that Sarah Palin cannot be president of the United States until I see her able to eviscerate somebody like you.

O'REILLY: But that will never -- nobody can. That means we would go presidentless.

BECK: She needs to...

O'REILLY: We would never have a president.

BECK: She's playing defense right now where she needs to play offense. I'm not convinced that she wants to be president.

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