Monday, February 01, 2010


That's a question America will have to face very soon. As David Sanger notes in an analysis piece, we can't be THE superpower and the world's biggest borrower. I was disappointed that Pres. Obama didn't propose cutting the DoD budget and I hope congressional democrats can force him to do so. They may even get the GOP to go along.

UPDATE: This is a good sign that we may be relinquishing the neo-cons' dream of empire:
Every four years, Congress requires the Pentagon to produce its Quadrennial Defense Review, an assessment of long-range strategy and the budgets to pay for them. In unveiling the review Monday, Michèle A. Flournoy, the under secretary of defense for policy, said the strategy document for the first time jettisoned a historic planning requirement that the American military prepare to fight two major conventional wars at the same time.

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