Friday, February 05, 2010


(h/t Atrios)

First, the definition of "hold" from the Senate website:
hold - An informal practice by which a Senator informs his or her floor leader that he or she does not wish a particular bill or other measure to reach the floor for consideration. The Majority Leader need not follow the Senator's wishes, but is on notice that the opposing Senator may filibuster any motion to proceed to consider the measure.

This is another tool the GOP are abusing, especially Sen. Richard Shelby:
The news of the day is that Sen. Richard Shelby has placed a "hold" on every single pending Obama nominee, until the Democrats give in to his blackmail and fork over a few billion dollars in defense pork for Alabama.

We also have to make it clear how bad the Senate GOP, not just Shelby, really is. Anybody for an "Up or Down Vote" campaign?

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