Wednesday, March 03, 2010


Despite re-electing rat bastard Kyl, the state occasionally makes a good move.

Arizona Leads the Way in Combating Foreclosure

by: Dean Baker, t r u t h o u t | Op-Ed

As the Obama administration works up its 12,487th plan for keeping underwater homeowners in their homes, Arizona's legislation may have the courage and good sense to do the obvious: let foreclosed homeowners stay in their home as renters. A bill was just introduced in legislature that would allow homeowners in houses that sell for less than the median price to remain in their home as renters for at least one year following foreclosure.

With this simple gesture the Arizona legislature could do more for the nation's underwater homeowners than all the brilliant DC policy wonks have managed to accomplish in the last three years with all their billions of dollars. The legislation would give low and moderate-income homeowners security in their homes. It doesn't make them jump through hoops and prove to bureaucrats that they were worthy. It doesn't require them genuflect before loans servicers or bankers.

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