Monday, March 22, 2010


Today, Glenn Beck tried to portray the real winners of health care reform as social parasites:
The people who have won, the people who have all of this, they are the people that have been looking for the handouts.

This meme has been around for a while and I think it goes all the way back to St. Reagan and his "welfare queen" myth. The problem for the Democrats is that many people in the middle class may come to see the changes made by Congress and the Obama Administration as benefiting only a few instead of the many.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Republicans have been a class warfare party in a different way, and so has Glenn Beck. They try to pit the working classes against the "elite". They usually touch on cultural issues - things like taste in wine for the elite, the use of pickup trucks for the "average joe", the suggestion that the elite thinks they are stupid yokels (and then Beck betrays his own beliefs that this is true). There's a division that usually has a racial component that they promote which is that the "hardworking whites" (Hillary Clinton of all people) to whom Beck and the GOP speak against the lazy, indolent, criminal blacks and Hispanics who are those sucking them dry with welfare payments. The Democrats, they claim, are the Elite who made a deal with the Parasitical Welfare Bums (who are stereotypically black and hispanic) to suck the honest white working class dry. It's the same politics of division that succeeded in keeping the South poor and regressive for so many years, and is the template for this.

Therefore, Beck and the GOP should be called for their class warfare rhetoric, the politics of envy and all the other vices for which they accuse others. Also, let us not forget that all of this serves to enrich the enemy elite at the expense of the working class, no matter what race or background they may have. Beck and his ilk of course refuse to address the government policies of mass unemployment that keeps wages down, and instead supports this and anti-union efforts and blames the unemployed exclusively for their predicaments.