Tuesday, March 09, 2010


When asked by Fareed Zakaria on CNN's GPS if the Iraq War was worth it, he replied:
PETRAEUS: Well, I think we are literally having to compete along with everyone else. There are occasionally some degrees of access that might be provided. But, by and large, this is -- it's capitalism at work.

And, in fact, we used to offer to our Iraqi counterparts who occasionally would toss around the conspiracy theory, that this is all about sewing up Iraq's oil for the next few decades and say that, gosh, for what we spent in a single year in Iraq, we could have bought all of your oil for the next decade without having to invade you.

So, look, it is legitimate for the American taxpayer to ask that question. And, again, only history can judge at the end of the day whether this was, frankly, a wise investment in -- in the enormous amount of -- of gold treasure and, indeed, most importantly the lives of our young men and women in uniform and our civilian counterparts and Iraqi civilians and coalition members.

This means that Petraeus isn't buying the war whores (like John Gibson) notion that "we won" and it was worth getting rid of Saddam.


Ken Hoop said...


Not sure if the contested section re Petraeus in comments is correct on either end, but he's no hero-just a careerist at best who did what others refused to do-carry out the surge which didn't work.

Steve J. said...

Petraeus basically echoed Bush's line that "history will be the judge"

Ken Hoop said...

The Glenzilla waxes eloquent today. I'd love to see him go at Friedman on MSM one on one. Or even that globalist sociopath, Tom Barnett.

Ken Hoop said...

On a related subject,

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