Sunday, March 14, 2010


Torture supporter Marc Thiessen claimed that he interviewed the top 5 or 6 CIA interrogators and I thought it was odd that a mere speech writer would have that kind of access. Larry Wilkerson has the same question about Karl Rove:
And I've got something else to say about Mr. Rove: No political counselor should have - he doesn't have the need-to-know. He shouldn't have access to that kind of classified information. He has NO BUSINESS having access, so if the White House allowed him to, THAT is a no-no. And I will guess that he's getting his information from Dick Cheney, because he did not have access to that kind of information."


Ken Hoop said...

Book touring Rove is repeating the lie that Saddam Hussein was funding "terrorists" to the tune of 25,000$ apiece in Israel. This proves Roves sanctions Israeli terrorism, as if it needed proof.
Hussein gave the rebuilding funds specifically for Palestinian families who had had their homes bulldozed as "group punishment" for one family member having allegedly commited "terror" in Palestine (Israel.)

Steve J. said...


Was that ever proved? I recall that Tenet told Bush it might be true but he didn't have conclusive evidence.