Tuesday, March 09, 2010


This is his effort to rebut charges that he is gay:
“They brought lawyers in. They took my staff members into a room, and they grilled them for 3½ to four hours,” Massa said during his radio appearance. “And the first question that they asked them was, ‘Do you think Congressman Massa is gay?’ Let me ask you something: So what if I was? ... That’s an issue between me and my wife, and trust me, she knows the answer.”

Here's a reality check:
Conservative California state senator comes out
California State Sen. Roy Ashburn, a conservative Republican with a solidly anti-gay voting record, came out as gay today on a Bakersfield radio station talk show.

Ashburn is in his second and final four-year term in the senate, having first been elected in 2002. He is divorced and the father of four daughters.

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